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History of Topics 2011

28 March

28 March

Kisei V.S. Meijin: Cho U defends Kisei title

  Cho U took revenge for his failed defense of Meijin title against Iyama in 2009 when he lost 1-4.
  The sixth game was played in Yamanashi Prefecture on 10 and 11 March. Cho U (Black) won by 1.5 points and succeeded in defending Kisei title.
  Now Cho U has got 35th title which is 6th rank as Rin Kaiho and Yoda Norimoto.

Full results:  Game 1 (13, 14 January). Iyama (B) by resignation.
Game 2 (26, 27 January). Cho U (B) by resignation.
Game 3 (2, 3 February). Iyama (B) by resignation.
Game 4 (17, 18 February). Cho U (B) by half point.
Game 5 (24, 25 February). Cho U (W) by 2.5 points.
Game 6 (14, 15 March). Cho U (B) by 1.5 points.

The 35th Kisei Title Match
Cho U defeated Iyama Yuta
Cho U KISEI 4 ― 2  Iyama Yuta challenger
Date(2011) Venue Result
1st 13, 14 Jan. Fukushima Iyama (B) won by resig
2nd 26, 27 Jan. Hokkaido Cho (B) won by resig
3rd 2, 3 Feb Toyama Iyama (B) won by 1.5
4th 17, 18 Feb Hyogo Cho (B) won by 0.5
5th 24, 25 Niigata Niigata Cho (W) won by 2.5
6th 10, 11 March Yamanashi Cho (B) won by 1.5
7th 16, 17 March Shizuoka  

Brand New Tournament: Go Master's Cup

  The first senior tournament, Go Master's Cup, has been launched in February 2011.

  Qualification: 50 years or older at age with 7 major title holder or past 7 major title holder.
  Tournament Type:Knock Out Tournament
  Prize for Winner:5million Japanese Yen
  Time allowance:2 hours
  Participants: Ishida Yoshio, Rin Kaiho, Otake Hideo, Cho Chikun, Takemiya Masaki, Kobayahsi Koichi, Kobayashi Satoru, O Risei, Kataoka Satoshi, Kudo Norio, Hane Yasumasa

Result in the first round:
  Rin Kaiho (W), Honorary Tangen, beat Kudo Norio, past Tengen and Oza title holder, by resignation.
  Kataoka Satoshi (W), past Tengen holder, beat Hane Yasumasa, past Oza title holder, by resignation.
  Kobayashi Satoru (B), past Kisei title holder, beat O Risei, past Kisei title holder, by resignation.

Women's Kisei Xie Yimin defends Women's Kisei title with straight wins

  Xie Yimin has successfully completed her defence of her triple crown of Women's titles. In the 14th DoCoMo Cup Women's Kisei title match, she rebuffed the challenge of Umezawa Yukari 5-dan who attempted to regain the title she lost to Xie last year with straight wins.
  She has got tie women's record 10 th titles.

Title Match (Shei Imin 2-0 Umezawa Yukari)
Date(2011) Venue Result
1st TV Program : Feb. 9 Hiratsuka Shei (W) won by 9.5
2nd TV Program : Feb. 16 Ichigaya Shei (B) won by resign
3rd TV Program : Feb. 23 Ichigaya -

Cho U wins NEC Cup for his third times.

  The final round of NEC Cup 2011 was held in the Nihon Ki-in on 5th March 2011.
  Cho U (W) beat Yamashita by resignation. Yamashita could not win his first NEC Cup title.

The 30th NEC Cup Tournament
Player Round 1 Round 2 S-Final Final
Kono Rin Kono Rin
Cho U
Cho U
So Yokoku So Yokoku
Cho Chikun
O Rissei Cho U
Cho U
Cho U
Takao Shinji Hane Naoki
Hane Naoki
Iyama Yuta Iyama Yuta
O Meien
Yamada Kimio
O Meien O Meien
Yoda Norimoto
Kobayashi Satoru Yuki Satoshi
Yuki Satoshi
Yamashita Keigo

Professional Pair Go Championship 2011

  The final of Ricoh Cup Professional Pair Go Championship 2011 was held in the Nihon Ki-in on 29th January 2011.
  Xie Yimin and O Meien (B) beat Suzuki Ayumi and Yuki Satoshi by half a point.

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