Hsieh Yi Min defends Women's Kisei title, defeating the challenger, Aoki Kikuyo 8p by 2-0. The second game of the 17th Women's Kisei title match (best of three games) was held at Ryusei Studio in the Nihon Ki-in on 30th January 2014. Taking black, Hsieh defeated Aoki after 139 moves.
Aoki could not win the Women's Kisei title.
The full results of the series are given as follows:
- Game 1 (23 Jan.): Hsieh (W) won by resignation
- Game 2 (30 Jan.): Hsieh (B) won by resignation
The Shusai prize is given to the most outstanding player in Japan. The award is a tribute to 21th Honinbo Shusai Meijn.
The winner of the 51st Shusai prize is Iyama Yuta since he gets six crowns (Kisei, Honinbo, Tengen, Oza, Gosei and Judan) at age 24. The prize winner was nominated by the selection committee of Shusai Prize on 21 January 2014 and got approval from the board meeting of the Nihon Ki-in on 4 February 2014. The members of the selection committee are Saito Juuro (Ex-president of the House of Councilors), Miyoshi Toru (writer), Wada Norio (Chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Zyagawa Tadaaki (Vice Chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Yamashiro Hiroshi 9p (Vice Chair of The Nihon Ki-in), Ohbuchi Morito 9p (Descendant of Honinbo Shusai) and Ishida Yoshio (24th Honinbo).
The Okura prize is awarded by the Nihon Ki-in in recognition for contributions to the spreading and growth of the game of go. The award is a tribute to Baron Okura Kishichiro who was the founding patrons of The Nihon Ki-in.
The 43th Okura Prize is awarded to the following three persons:
- Mr. Inamine Keiichi (age: 80)
Senior Advisor of Okinawa Go Association
- Mr. Mitome Kiyoshi (age: 75)
President of Ryuseki Go Club
- Mr. Oikawa Shoichi (age: 72)
Supreme advisor of Yomiuri Newspaper Group
The prize winners were nominated by the selection committee of Okura Prize on 4 February 2014 and got approval from the board meeting of the Nihon Ki-in on 18 February 2014.
The award ceremony of the Okura prize will be held at The Nihon Ki-in from 11am on 1st April 2014.
The following six players get certified as shodan professional of The Nihon Ki-in in 2014.
Name |
Age |
Country |
Teacher |
Affiliation |
Koyama Kuya |
17 |
Japan |
Koyama Ryugo 6p |
The Nihon Ki-in Tokyo |
Sotoyanagi Sebun |
19 |
Japan |
Takabayashi Takuji 6p |
The Nihon Ki-in Tokyo |
Cho Zuiketsu |
15 |
Taiwan |
Takabayashi Takuji 6p |
The Nihon Ki-in Tokyo |
Mutsuura Yuta |
14 |
Japan |
Hane Yasumasa 9p |
The Nihon Ki-in Chubu |
Ohtani Naoki |
21 |
Japan |
None |
The Nihon Ki-in Kansai |
Kaneko Maki |
18 |
Japan |
None |
The Nihon Ki-in Tokyo
( from Women Pro Exam ) |
The following promotions were made based on the prize money ranking list in 2013.
7 dan pro
Shida Tatsuya
*Promoted to 7p
No.1 of 6p at the prize money ranking in 2013 |
6 dan pro
Kawata Kohei
*Promoted to 6p
No.1 of 5p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
Ohashi Naruya
*Promoted to 6p
No.2 of 5p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
5 dan pro
Tajima Shingo
*Promoted to 5p
No.1 of 4p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
Sakamoto Yasuo
*Promoted to 5p
No.2 of 4p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
4 dan pro
Ichiriki Ryo
*Promoted to 4p
No.1 of 3p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
Muramatsu Hiroki
*Promoted to 4p
No.2 of 3p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
3 dan pro
Motoki Katsuya
*Promoted to 3p
No.1 of 2p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
Adachi Toshimasa
*Promoted to 3p
No.2 of 2p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
2 dan pro
Kikuchi Masatoshi
*Promoted to 2p
No.1 of 1p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |
Ohnishi Kenya
*Promoted to 2p
No.2 of 1p at the Prize money ranking in 2013 |