English  Japanese

Name The 3rd TOYOTA & DENSO CUP World Go Oza
Organized by The Nihon Ki-in
Sponsored by TOYOTA MOTOR Corporation / DENSO Corporation
Cooperation Kansai Ki-in / Chinese Weiqi Association / Korean Baduk Association / South African Go Association / European Go federation / Australian Go Association / American Go Association / Argentinian Go Association / Singapore Go Association / International Go Federation
Hotel New Otani Opening Party & Reception
Nihon Ki-in Round 1 - Semifinals
regulations 2006
1 The tournament is a five-round knockout with 32 players.
2 Drows to decide opponents are held before the first,second and quarterfinals.
3 The tournament rules are the Japanese rules.
4 All games are to be played on even,with black giving a komi of 6.5points.
5 The time allowance is 3 hours per player,with byo-yomi beginning when a player reaches the final 10 minutes of his or her time allowance.
1st prize \30,000,000
2nd prize \10,000,000
3rd prize \5,000,000 (two players)
Quarterfinals defeat \1,500,000 (four players)
2nd round defeat \500,000 (eight players)
1st round defeat \300,000 (16 players)
Total prize money \64,800,000
Seeded Players The top four place-getters in the 3rd Cup are seeded in the 4th Cup.

© Liaison Department Nihon Ki-in Tel:81-3-3288-8610