*Sponsoredby: Tokyo Seimitsu/Nihon Kiin
The game relayed live on this page!
(AM 11:30, 16, Dec. 2002)

The Game Record@

OKADA Yumiko 5p UMEZAWA Yukari 5p
The game condition
Thinking time: 1 hours
Extra time   : 30 sec./stone byoyomi
Komi         : White receive 5.5 point komi
Rules        : Japanese Rules

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We recomend you download the new version, when you have any probrem
that you downloaded old one before.
Download the viewer and  the game file.
The Game Viewer for windows
1. click here (Setup-Kiin-e.exe, 2.22MB).
2. Execute a downloaded setup-program, and click [Next].
The Live Game 3. Download the game file. And you will enjoy the game!

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