(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:2]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[3]KM[0.00] GN[The Hans Pietsch Memorial European Youth Development Promotion Teaching Game]PW[Oomori, Yasushi]PB[Mr. Oleg Mezhov (age 17) (Russia)]WR[8p]BR[5d]DT[2005-02-26]GC[The Hans Pietsch Memorial European Youth Development Promotion Teaching Game White: Omori Yasushi 8-dan 3 stones: Mr. Oleg Mezhov 5-dan (age 17) (Russia) Oleg posted the most outstanding results at the 2004 European Go Congress (recommended by the European Go Federation). Commentary Black plays very well from 2 to 46. Instead of Black 10, a knight's move would also be a good strategy. (Refer to Dia. 1.) Instead of Black 48, the diagonal connection of A would be superior. Ignoring White 63 and switching to 64, taking the bottom, showed good judgement. Black fights well in the continuation to 108. Black 110 is a pointless move. Connecting with Black 119 instead would be big. Instead of Black 124, doing nothing here and blocking at 132 would be better. (Refer to Dia. 2.) Dia. 2. Black blocks at 1. If White encloses territory with 2, Black 3 to 9 are severe. Consequently, White will play 2 at A; if Black then switches to B, it won't be a contest territorially. Black would, of course, have the lead. When White switches to 133, the game has become a little closer territorially. Black 160. If instead he played a hane at A, a win for Black would have been certain. Black 170 is a mistake in response to the do-or-die moves of White 167 and 169. If instead Black plays at A, it's a one-move approach-move ko. White doesn't have enough ko threats, so Black would win. (Refer to Dia. 3.) A real ko follows in the game, and Black's lead is upset when White captures his two stones on the left side. Summing-up Oleg might feel that there are not many comments on his moves, but that actually indicates how good most of them were. If I had to make a suggestion, I would advise him to develop his overall planning ability (positional judgement) based on careful reading, without becoming too caught up in local profit and loss. ]EV[Oleg posted the most outstanding results at the 2004 European Go Congress (recommended by the European Go Federation).]PC[Nihon Kiin NET]AB[pd][dp][pp]C[Black plays very well from 2 to 46.]RE[W+5.00] ;W[cd]CR[cd] ;B[ed]CR[ed] ;W[gc]CR[gc] ;B[fe]CR[fe] ;W[ge]CR[ge] ;B[gf]CR[gf] ;W[he]CR[he] ;B[ff]CR[ff] ;W[cg]CR[cg]C[Instead of Black 10, a knight's move would also be a good strategy. (Refer to Var. 1.)] (;B[jd]CR[jd] ;W[hf]CR[hf] ;B[dh]CR[dh] ;W[ch]CR[ch] ;B[di]CR[di] ;W[ci]CR[ci] ;B[dj]CR[dj] ;W[jf]CR[jf] ;B[nc]CR[nc] ;W[qn]CR[qn] ;B[ql]CR[ql] ;W[on]CR[on] ;B[np]CR[np] ;W[pk]CR[pk] ;B[qk]CR[qk] ;W[pj]CR[pj] ;B[pl]CR[pl] ;W[ol]CR[ol] ;B[qj]CR[qj] ;W[pi]CR[pi] ;B[qo]CR[qo] ;W[oq]CR[oq] ;B[op]CR[op] ;W[fq]CR[fq] ;B[iq]CR[iq] ;W[dn]CR[dn] ;B[fp]CR[fp] ;W[cq]CR[cq] ;B[cp]CR[cp] ;W[dq]CR[dq] ;B[eq]CR[eq] ;W[er]CR[er] ;B[ep]CR[ep] ;W[fr]CR[fr] ;B[cj]CR[cj] ;W[gp]CR[gp] ;B[go]CR[go] ;W[hp]CR[hp] ;B[em]CR[em]LB[fn:A]C[Instead of Black 48, the diagonal connection of A would be superior. ] ;W[nq]CR[nq] ;B[pq]CR[pq] ;W[lq]CR[lq] ;B[mp]CR[mp] ;W[pr]CR[pr] ;B[qr]CR[qr] ;W[ho]CR[ho] ;B[jp]CR[jp] ;W[kq]CR[kq] ;B[jn]CR[jn] ;W[ko]CR[ko] ;B[kp]CR[kp] ;W[lp]CR[lp] ;B[lo]CR[lo] ;W[gn]CR[gn]C[Ignoring White 63 and switching to 64, taking the bottom, showed good judgement.] ;B[jr]CR[jr]C[Black fights well in the continuation to 108.] ;W[en]CR[en] ;B[bn]CR[bn] ;W[jo]CR[jo] ;B[mq]CR[mq] ;W[mr]CR[mr] ;B[kn]CR[kn] ;W[io]CR[io] ;B[lr]CR[lr] ;W[kr]CR[kr] ;B[ks]CR[ks] ;W[ls]CR[ls] ;B[js]CR[js] ;W[ln]CR[ln] ;B[mo]CR[mo] ;W[lm]CR[lm] ;B[cc]CR[cc] ;W[bc]CR[bc] ;B[dc]CR[dc] ;W[be]CR[be] ;B[hh]CR[hh] ;W[lc]CR[lc] ;B[ld]CR[ld] ;W[kc]CR[kc] ;B[kd]CR[kd] ;W[jc]CR[jc] ;B[mc]CR[mc] ;W[me]CR[me] ;B[md]CR[md] ;W[qd]CR[qd] ;B[qc]CR[qc] ;W[pe]CR[pe] ;B[qe]CR[qe] ;W[rd]CR[rd] ;B[re]CR[re] ;W[pf]CR[pf] ;B[rc]CR[rc] ;W[od]CR[od] ;B[pc]CR[pc] ;W[pn]CR[pn] ;B[rg]CR[rg] ;W[dm]CR[dm] ;B[cl]CR[cl] ;W[bo]CR[bo] ;B[cn]CR[cn] ;W[bp]CR[bp] ;B[mm]CR[mm]LB[co:A]C[Black 110 is a pointless move. Connecting with A instead would be big.] ;W[mn]CR[mn] ;B[nm]CR[nm] ;W[nn]CR[nn] ;B[om]CR[om] ;W[lk]CR[lk] ;B[ok]CR[ok] ;W[cm]CR[cm] ;B[bm]CR[bm] ;W[co]CR[co] ;B[jh]CR[jh] ;W[ii]CR[ii] ;B[ih]CR[ih] ;W[mb]CR[mb]LB[nb:A]C[Instead of Black 124, doing nothing here and blocking at A would be better. (Refer to Dia. 2.) ] (;B[ic]CR[ic] ;W[ib]CR[ib] ;B[jb]CR[jb] ;W[id]CR[id] ;B[lb]CR[lb] ;W[hc]CR[hc] ;B[kb]CR[kb] ;W[ic]CR[ic] ;B[nb]CR[nb] ;W[hk]CR[hk]C[When White switches to 133, the game has become a little closer territorially.] ;B[ji]CR[ji] ;W[kj]CR[kj] ;B[mg]CR[mg] ;W[nj]CR[nj] ;B[nk]CR[nk] ;W[mk]CR[mk] ;B[mi]CR[mi] ;W[mj]CR[mj] ;B[ij]CR[ij] ;W[ik]CR[ik] ;B[qh]CR[qh] ;W[ph]CR[ph] ;B[og]CR[og] ;W[pg]CR[pg] ;B[dl]CR[dl] ;W[bk]CR[bk] ;B[bl]CR[bl] ;W[bj]CR[bj] ;B[gl]CR[gl] ;W[gk]CR[gk] ;B[fl]CR[fl] ;W[hl]CR[hl] ;B[fj]CR[fj] ;W[eb]CR[eb] ;B[bb]CR[bb] ;W[ab]CR[ab] ;B[db]CR[db]LB[rn:A]C[Black 160. If instead he played a hane at A, a win for Black would have been certain.] ;W[ec]CR[ec] ;B[dd]CR[dd] ;W[dg]CR[dg] ;B[ce]CR[ce] ;W[bd]CR[bd] ;B[eg]CR[eg] ;W[or]CR[or] ;B[ns]CR[ns] ;W[qq]CR[qq] ;B[rr]LB[rq:A]C[Black 170 is a mistake in response to the do-or-die moves of White 167 and 169. If instead Black plays at A, it's a one-move approach-move ko. White doesn't have enough ko threats, so Black would win. (Refer to Var. 3.) A real ko follows in the game, and Black's lead is upset when White captures his two stones on the left side.] (;W[rq]CR[rq]C[Summing-up Oleg might feel that there are not many comments on his moves, but that actually indicates how good most of them were. If I had to make a suggestion, I would advise him to develop his overall planning ability (positional judgement) based on careful reading, without becoming too caught up in local profit and loss.] ;B[rs]CR[rs] ;W[os]CR[os] ;B[rp]CR[rp] ;W[sr]CR[sr] ;B[qp]CR[qp] ;W[hq]CR[hq] ;B[jq]CR[jq] ;W[lr]CR[lr] ;B[nr]CR[nr] ;W[ms]CR[ms] ;B[nr]CR[nr] ;W[ns]CR[ns] ;B[ps]CR[ps] ;W[qs]CR[qs] ;B[sq]CR[sq] ;W[qi]CR[qi] ;B[ri]CR[ri] ;W[rm]CR[rm] ;B[ps]CR[ps] ;W[qg]CR[qg] ;B[rh]CR[rh] ;W[qs]CR[qs] ;B[jj]CR[jj] ;W[jk]CR[jk] ;B[ps]CR[ps] ;W[gi]CR[gi] ;B[gj]CR[gj] ;W[qs]CR[qs] ;B[hj]CR[hj] ;W[rf]CR[rf] ;B[sf]CR[sf] ;W[is]CR[is] ;B[ps]CR[ps] ;W[qf]CR[qf] ;B[nr]CR[nr] ;W[se]CR[se] ;B[rl]CR[rl] ;W[sg]CR[sg] ;B[pm]CR[pm] ;W[sc]CR[sc] ;B[gm]CR[gm] ;W[hm]CR[hm] ;B[hr]CR[hr] ;W[rb]CR[rb] ;B[qb]CR[qb] ;W[oc]CR[oc] ;B[ra]CR[ra] ;W[ob]CR[ob] ;B[sb]CR[sb] ;W[ne]CR[ne] ;B[kf]CR[kf] ;W[fd]CR[fd] ;B[cf]CR[cf] ;W[df]CR[df] ;B[de]CR[de] ;W[bf]CR[bf] ;B[da]CR[da] ;W[ef]CR[ef] ;B[ee]CR[ee] ;W[ea]CR[ea] ;B[ba]CR[ba] ;W[gr]CR[gr] ;B[je]CR[je] ;W[hg]CR[hg] ;B[gg] ;W[ml]CR[ml] ;B[nl]CR[nl] ;W[ni]CR[ni] ;B[if]CR[if] ;W[mh]CR[mh] ;B[nh]CR[nh] ;W[lh]CR[lh] ;B[lg]CR[lg] ;W[kh]CR[kh] ;B[oj]CR[oj] ;W[oi]CR[oi] ;B[fk]CR[fk] ;W[jg]CR[jg] ;B[ig]CR[ig] ;W[kg]CR[kg] ;B[ki]CR[ki] ;W[li]CR[li] ;B[le]CR[le] ;W[sl]CR[sl] ;B[sk]CR[sk] ;W[sm]CR[sm] ;B[ck]CR[ck] ;W[fn]CR[fn] ;B[ak]CR[ak] ;W[bi]CR[bi] ;B[ia]CR[ia] ;W[ha]CR[ha] ;B[ja]CR[ja] ;W[hs]CR[hs] ;B[ir]CR[ir] ;W[gs]CR[gs] ;B[aj]CR[aj] ;W[ai]CR[ai] ;B[al]CR[al] ;W[fm]CR[fm] ;B[ao]CR[ao] ;W[ap]CR[ap] ;B[an]CR[an] ;W[el]CR[el] ;B[ek]CR[ek] ;W[pa]CR[pa] ;B[qa]CR[qa] ;W[sh]CR[sh] ;B[sj]CR[sj] ;W[ro]CR[ro] ;B[so]CR[so] ;W[rn]CR[rn] ;B[na]CR[na] ;W[sd]CR[sd] ;B[ac]CR[ac] ;W[ad]CR[ad] ;B[si]CR[si] ;W[sf]CR[sf] ;B[em]CR[em] ;W[oe]CR[oe]) (;AE[rr]AB[rq]C[Var 3.] ;W[qs]CR[qs] ;B[rr]CR[rr] ;W[os]CR[os] ;B[rs]CR[rs] ;W[hq]CR[hq] ;B[jq]CR[jq] ;W[lr]CR[lr] ;B[nr]CR[nr])) (;B[nb]C[Var. 2.] ;W[hk]CR[hk] ;B[id]CR[id] ;W[hc]CR[hc] ;B[fb]CR[fb] ;W[gb]CR[gb] ;B[mg]CR[mg] ;W[la]LB[la:8][fb:5][gb:6][nb:1][hc:4][id:3][lf:A][mg:7][hk:2][ik:B]C[Black blocks at 1. If White encloses territory with 2, Black 3 to 9 are severe. Consequently, White will play 2 at A; if Black then switches to B, it won't be a contest territorially. Black would, of course, have the lead.])) (;B[ig]CR[ig]C[Var. 1] ;W[kc]CR[kc] ;B[dh]CR[dh] ;W[ch]CR[ch] ;B[di]LB[kc:2][ig:1][ch:4][dh:3][di:5]C[Instead of Black 10, a knight's move would also be a good strategy. ]))