(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:2]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[6]KM[0.00] GN[The Hans Pietsch Memorial European Youth Development Promotion Taeching Game]PW[Oomori, Yasushi]PB[Ms. Barbara Knauf (age 17) (Germany)]WR[8p]BR[2d]DT[2005-02-26]CP[free]GC[The Hans Pietsch Memorial European Youth Development Promotion Teaching Game White: Omori Yasushi 8-dan 6 stones: Ms. Barbara Knauf 2-dan (age 17) (Germany) (Ms. Knauf was the captain of the winning team in the 2nd Hans Pietsch Memorial Tournament.) Commentary Black plays well in the opening up to 30. In particular, Black's strategy from 14 to 30 is very good; it's very severe. Instead of 32, Black should have connected at A (33), then, after White B (129), played the large-knight's move of C (137). (Refer to Dia. 1.) The sequence from Black 38 to 60 is well played. Instead of 62, Black should have connected at A (63). Letting White make the ponnuki at 63 in the game is not good. Black 78 is a thin move. Black should have played the knight's move of A (81). Black fights well with 82 to 106. Black tries too hard with 108. Instead, she should have played at A (110) (though I understand her desire to attack White . . .) From 109 on, Black comes under attack. This is a tough fight for her. Having to play Black 138 is painful, but she has no choice. (Refer to Dia. 2.) Answering White 165 with Black 166 is a mistake. The correct move is Black A (174), which would kill White unconditionally. Black would have won the game if she had played correctly here. The game is decided when White pulls off something on the left side. Summing-up Black is strong and fought well. If she improves her reading of small details, it won't be long before she reaches 5- or 6-dan. One shortcut to improvement would be studying life-and-death problems.]EV[(Ms. Knauf was the captain of the winning team in the 2nd Hans Pietsch Memorial Tournament.)]PC[NihonKIiN-Net]AB[dd][pd][dj][pj][dp][pp]C[Black plays well in the opening up to 30. In particular, Black's strategy from 14 to 30 is very good; it's very severe.]RE[W+16.00] ;W[nq]CR[nq] ;B[pn]CR[pn] ;W[dg]CR[dg] ;B[fc]CR[fc] ;W[cn]CR[cn] ;B[co]CR[co] ;W[dn]CR[dn] ;B[fp]CR[fp] ;W[fj]CR[fj] ;B[ei]CR[ei] ;W[cd]CR[cd] ;B[cc]CR[cc] ;W[de]CR[de] ;B[ce]CR[ce]C[In particular, Black's strategy from 14 to 30 is very good; it's very severe.] ;W[bd]CR[bd] ;B[df]CR[df] ;W[ee]CR[ee] ;B[cf]CR[cf] ;W[ef]CR[ef] ;B[cg]CR[cg] ;W[ch]CR[ch] ;B[dh]CR[dh] ;W[eg]CR[eg] ;B[bh]CR[bh] ;W[ci]CR[ci] ;B[bi]CR[bi] ;W[ed]CR[ed] ;B[dc]CR[dc] ;W[ec]CR[ec] ;B[eb]CR[eb] ;W[fb]CR[fb] ;B[gb]CR[gb]LB[db:A][gc:B][mc:C]C[Instead of 32, Black should have connected at A, then, after White B, played the large-knight's move of C. (Refer to Dia. 1.) ] (;W[db]CR[db] ;B[fa]CR[fa] ;W[cb]CR[cb] ;B[be]CR[be] ;W[bc]CR[bc] ;B[dl]CR[dl]C[The sequence from Black 38 to 60 is well played.] ;W[cq]CR[cq] ;B[dq]CR[dq] ;W[bo]CR[bo] ;B[cp]CR[cp] ;W[fn]CR[fn] ;B[jp]CR[jp] ;W[pq]CR[pq] ;B[qq]CR[qq] ;W[qr]CR[qr] ;B[rr]CR[rr] ;W[or]CR[or] ;B[qs]CR[qs] ;W[op]CR[op] ;B[pr]CR[pr] ;W[po]CR[po] ;B[qp]CR[qp] ;W[on]CR[on] ;B[qo]CR[qo] ;W[pm]CR[pm] ;B[oo]CR[oo] ;W[no]CR[no] ;B[om]CR[om] ;W[po]CR[po] ;B[em]CR[em]LB[qn:A]C[Instead of 62, Black should have connected at A (63). Letting White make the ponnuki at 63 in the game is not good. ] ;W[qn]CR[qn] ;B[en]CR[en] ;W[hp]CR[hp] ;B[jn]CR[jn] ;W[hn]CR[hn] ;B[jl]CR[jl] ;W[hl]CR[hl] ;B[hj]CR[hj] ;W[ik]CR[ik] ;B[jk]CR[jk] ;W[ij]CR[ij] ;B[jj]CR[jj] ;W[ii]CR[ii] ;B[ji]CR[ji] ;W[ih]CR[ih] ;B[jg]CR[jg]LB[kg:A]C[Black 78 is a thin move. Black should have played the knight's move of A (81).] ;W[jh]CR[jh] ;B[kh]CR[kh] ;W[kg]CR[kg] ;B[jf]CR[jf]C[Black fights well with 82 to 106.] ;W[lg]CR[lg] ;B[lh]CR[lh] ;W[mg]CR[mg] ;B[le]CR[le] ;W[mh]CR[mh] ;B[mi]CR[mi] ;W[ni]CR[ni] ;B[mj]CR[mj] ;W[nj]CR[nj] ;B[mk]CR[mk] ;W[oh]CR[oh] ;B[nk]CR[nk] ;W[qh]CR[qh] ;B[pg]CR[pg] ;W[ph]CR[ph] ;B[ok]CR[ok] ;W[nd]CR[nd] ;B[ne]CR[ne] ;W[oe]CR[oe] ;B[od]CR[od] ;W[me]CR[me] ;B[nf]CR[nf] ;W[md]CR[md] ;B[of]CR[of] ;W[mf]CR[mf] ;B[kc]CR[kc]LB[jc:A]C[ Black tries too hard with 108. Instead, she should have played at A (110) (though I understand her desire to attack White . . .) ] ;W[ic]CR[ic]C[From 109 on, Black comes under attack. This is a tough fight for her. ] ;B[jd]CR[jd] ;W[id]CR[id] ;B[ie]CR[ie] ;W[gd]CR[gd] ;B[mb]CR[mb] ;W[nb]CR[nb] ;B[lb]CR[lb] ;W[oc]CR[oc] ;B[pc]CR[pc] ;W[pb]CR[pb] ;B[qb]CR[qb] ;W[qa]CR[qa] ;B[ra]CR[ra] ;W[pa]CR[pa] ;B[na]CR[na] ;W[ob]CR[ob] ;B[rc]CR[rc] ;W[jb]CR[jb] ;B[he]CR[he] ;W[gc]CR[gc] ;B[ri]CR[ri] ;W[rh]CR[rh] ;B[ld]CR[ld] ;W[qe]CR[qe] ;B[pe]CR[pe] ;W[qf]CR[qf] ;B[mc]CR[mc] ;W[nc]CR[nc] ;B[kb]C[Having to play Black 138 is painful, but she has no choice. (Refer to Var. 2.)] (;W[sb]CR[sb] ;B[qd]CR[qd] ;W[rb]CR[rb] ;B[sc]CR[sc] ;W[qc]CR[qc] ;B[re]CR[re] ;W[rf]CR[rf] ;B[qb]CR[qb] ;W[li]CR[li] ;B[sa]CR[sa] ;W[ki]CR[ki] ;B[ql]CR[ql] ;W[pl]CR[pl] ;B[qk]CR[qk] ;W[rm]CR[rm] ;B[mp]CR[mp] ;W[ko]CR[ko] ;B[jo]CR[jo] ;W[lq]CR[lq] ;B[lp]CR[lp] ;W[kq]CR[kq] ;B[jq]CR[jq] ;W[kp]CR[kp] ;B[hq]CR[hq] ;W[bp]CR[bp] ;B[bq]CR[bq] ;W[cl]CR[cl]LB[bk:B][ck:A]C[Answering White 165 with Black A(166) is a mistake. The correct move is Black B, which would kill White unconditionally. Black would have won the game if she had played correctly here. The game is decided when White pulls off something on the left side. ] ;B[ck]CR[ck]C[Summing-up Black is strong and fought well. If she improves her reading of small details, it won't be long before she reaches 5- or 6-dan. One shortcut to improvement would be studying life-and-death problems.] ;W[dm]CR[dm] ;B[bl]CR[bl] ;W[bm]CR[bm] ;B[cm]CR[cm] ;W[cr]CR[cr] ;B[br]CR[br] ;W[cl]CR[cl] ;B[bk]CR[bk] ;W[el]CR[el] ;B[cm]CR[cm] ;W[eo]CR[eo] ;B[fm]CR[fm] ;W[cl]CR[cl] ;B[ng]CR[ng] ;W[nh]CR[nh] ;B[cm]CR[cm] ;W[fl]CR[fl] ;B[gm]CR[gm] ;W[fo]CR[fo] ;B[gp]CR[gp] ;W[ho]CR[ho] ;B[kr]CR[kr] ;W[lr]CR[lr] ;B[jr]CR[jr] ;W[do]CR[do] ;B[dr]CR[dr] ;W[lm]CR[lm] ;B[ll]CR[ll] ;W[mm]CR[mm] ;B[nm]CR[nm] ;W[nn]CR[nn] ;B[il]CR[il] ;W[hm]CR[hm] ;B[km]CR[km] ;W[kn]CR[kn] ;B[ro]CR[ro] ;W[ep]CR[ep] ;B[eq]CR[eq] ;W[fi]CR[fi] ;B[ge]CR[ge] ;W[fe]CR[fe] ;B[hg]CR[hg] ;W[ae]CR[ae] ;B[af]CR[af] ;W[ad]CR[ad] ;B[bg]CR[bg] ;W[eh]CR[eh] ;B[di]CR[di] ;W[iq]CR[iq] ;B[hr]CR[hr] ;W[gq]CR[gq] ;B[gr]CR[gr] ;W[cl]CR[cl] ;B[dk]CR[dk] ;W[pf]CR[pf] ;B[og]CR[og] ;W[se]CR[se] ;B[rd]CR[rd] ;W[qg]CR[qg] ;B[oe]CR[oe] ;W[ip]CR[ip] ;B[hh]CR[hh] ;W[hi]CR[hi] ;B[rl]CR[rl] ;W[rn]CR[rn] ;B[rj]CR[rj] ;W[ir]CR[ir] ;B[is]CR[is] ;W[go]CR[go] ;B[fq]CR[fq] ;W[gh]CR[gh] ;B[gg]CR[gg] ;W[kf]CR[kf] ;B[ke]CR[ke] ;W[ig]CR[ig] ;B[if]CR[if] ;W[gf]CR[gf] ;B[hf]CR[hf] ;W[fg]CR[fg] ;B[ns]CR[ns] ;W[os]CR[os] ;B[ls]CR[ls] ;W[nr]CR[nr] ;B[ms]CR[ms] ;W[mr]CR[mr] ;B[ks]CR[ks] ;W[ap]CR[ap] ;B[aq]CR[aq] ;W[hd]CR[hd] ;B[ff]CR[ff] ;W[al]CR[al] ;B[ak]CR[ak] ;W[am]CR[am] ;B[ek]CR[ek] ;W[fk]CR[fk] ;B[sg]CR[sg] ;W[sh]CR[sh] ;B[sf]CR[sf] ;W[rg]CR[rg] ;B[sf]CR[sf] ;W[oj]CR[oj] ;B[pi]CR[pi] ;W[qi]CR[qi] ;B[pk]CR[pk] ;W[im]CR[im] ;B[jm]CR[jm] ;W[si]CR[si] ;B[sj]CR[sj] ;W[sl]CR[sl] ;B[sk]CR[sk] ;W[sm]CR[sm] ;B[qj]CR[qj] ;W[lj]CR[lj] ;B[lk]CR[lk] ;W[kj]CR[kj] ;B[so]CR[so] ;W[oq]CR[oq] ;B[ja]CR[ja] ;W[ia]CR[ia] ;B[ka]CR[ka] ;W[kk]CR[kk] ;B[kl]CR[kl] ;W[ps]CR[ps] ;B[qr]CR[qr] ;W[jc]CR[jc] ;B[sd]CR[sd] ;W[cm]CR[cm] ;B[je]CR[je] ;W[ol]CR[ol] ;B[nl]CR[nl] ;W[pn]CR[pn] ;B[gf]CR[gf]) (;AE[kb]AB[pf]C[Var. 2.] ;W[kb]CR[kb] ;B[ig]CR[ig] ;W[hf]CR[hf] ;B[hg]CR[hg] ;W[gf]CR[gf] ;B[gh]CR[gh] ;W[fi]CR[fi])) (;AE[gb]AB[db]C[Refer to Dia. 1.] ;W[gc]CR[gc] ;B[nc]CR[nc]))